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Upgrade Your Guard House Security Business Process

Security is paramount to every organization, and more so for those who possess highly sensitive information or handle expensive items and equipment. It is precisely this need to tighten security at office premises that we see the common deployment of security guards at guardhouses who screen and register all visitors.

Unfortunately, most organisations have a very manual, non productive and lowly effective way of managing this. Very often, visitors are made to wait for long hours at the guard house for their host escort, mostly because the guard is unable to contact the host.

SiteSpade offers a unique and improved solution that will not only address such needs but also increase overall productivity and efficiency of the participating enforcement personnel. It works by:

  • Enhancing security with proper authorization for all visitors to your office premise

  • Ensuring accountability with detailed time-in and time-out tracking for all visitors

  • Improve efficiency with a specific mobile application that notify the host when your visitor "check-in" at the guard house

SiteSpade Visitor Registration System comprises of the following process workflow steps that help to manage and track visitors to your premises to improve security, efficiency and company image.

  1. Host submit visitor clearance form

  2. Authorised Visitors Listing at Guard House

  3. Check-In of Authorised Visitors

  4. Auto notification to host on mobile

  5. Check-Out of Authorised Visitors

When an employee has invited an external party for a meeting at the office, he has to submit a Visitor Clearance Form detailing the number of guests, their particulars, purpose of meeting, appointment time and duration of visit for approval. He fills up the clearance form online and submits it. This form will then be routed to the guardhouse security as the list of authorized visitors for the day.


All authorised clearance forms for the day will be duly displayed at the guardhouse computer when the security personnel signs in to the Visitor Registration System. This registry listing of authorised visitors with the appointment times prepares the security personnel in advance about the potential number of visitors for that day.

This listing is displayed at the guardhouse in the form of a Security Clearance Form with individual record rows for each visitor. Vital information such as Identity Numbers and Vehicle Numbers are expected to be recorded and verified. Actual Time in and Time out values are also duly captured into the system for a complete status update.

A notification will be sent to inform the host of the arrival of his/her guest when the visitor “check-in” at the guard house. The host can chose to meet the visitor at the reception.


During the actual check-in and check-out of visitors, SiteSpade can further automates the registration processing by providing the security personnel with a handheld scanner to quickly scan the barcode of the identity card. A sticker label containing the name of visitor, employee host name and time in can be printed and to be worn by the visitor on premise for added security.

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